We're back! It was incredible. We all witnessed the STS-126 launch of the shuttle Endeavor. Wow!!! Right now, those 7 brave individuals are on the Space Station getting ready to install new equipment to increase the stations capacity. But here is our journey.
November 11: Left Columbus on a very successful trip. The kids did great going through security, great on the planes (after Liam realized that traveling means a lot of waiting),

and great on the trip to Cape Canaveral. Quinn was so adorable dragging that little Diego backpack around the airports. He didn't want to ride in the stroller because than he couldn't roll the darn backpack around.

Quinn had been wearing this Lightning MacQueen shirt for 3 straight days. He promised I could wash it after this day.

Liam, looking grumpy from all the sitting, waiting, sitting some more, waiting some more, OOH, there's a cloud, sit some more, eat some peanuts, sit some more.

Simon catching a little rest on the tray table.
November 12: We hit the beach! The kids loved it. It was their first time to see the ocean and the beach. It is probably a good thing that this wasn't even a really nice beach (lots of kelp, no umbrellas or cute Cabana boys with drinks containing umbrellas.) Their standards will not be too high the next time they get to see one.

I must say that we made some great sand castles with our limited equipment. We started with just putty knives and then discovered some very cool molds. Simon really got the hang of things.