Sunday, January 18, 2009

"Mom, the dog ate my homework!"

Well, Liam can now honestly say "The dog ate my homework." The story begins on a Monday morning when I went to grade Liam's math homework from the previous week. Lo and homework. Well, needless to say, Liam was not very forthcoming about what happened to his math homework. He tried many excuses as to why his math homework wasn't in the folder, and yes......please try and and hold back the shocked look on your face....he even tried "the dog ate it" excuse.

After about 3 hourse of denial, he finally came forward and told me the truth. He didn't do the homework! For a whole week! Well, being the stearn Mommy I am, I had him do a whole week's worth of homework in one day. To Liam's credit, he got it all done in a timely fashion.

Later that night we all left that house for a few hours. We came back to this.

After all the hassle of dealing with this homework issue, to come home and find out that a dog really can eat your homework.

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